Have you ever discredited yourself? For instance, you have completed your study and all you feel is it is not enough or it is nothing or maybe it is just supposed to do or maybe you will say others achieve more than I do. We learn that it is discounting ourselves that we don't recognize or acknowledge the efforts we have done so much to get to finish the journey. However, you may give credit to your significant others for "companying you" such as give comfortability or etc. There is nothing wrong being grateful for that but thinking that I can finish because they give me comfortable space is wrong. You have your own power. You did it because you. You have your own power
When others try to blame you and you will feel guilty, says no more to that. Let them know that it is not you it is on them. For example, my boyfriend is frustrated he can't find food at 11 pm and you know what I do? I try to help by searching the food is available on the internet. You know what I got "you know nothing about my place, shut up". I am so upset and end up crying and he says "shut up your stupid emotion or I will hang up. I am not coming home to see you crying like this". The problem is I am acting emotionally when it is not my fault he doesn't get the food. However, I take it as it is my problem I could not help him
When others talk nonsense, you believe them. I give the context where my boyfriend always hate when I cry because it is useless and he would say "you are the problem". I of course feel embarrassing but let me tell you nope girl. Your love would not say that. Your love will encourage you to have emotional bonding with you.
By owning our power means we believe ourselves, we trust ourselves that it is okay to make mistakes. That it is okay we don't want something just because others have it. It is okay to rely on our instinct and recognize you. It is okay to let yourself know what you know, want what you want, believe what you believe and take other's people as a learning tool to learn from that because you know you can stand with yourself.
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