to be a Detective Pikachu
you watched a movie with title detective Pikachu? If you haven’t yet go watch.
Don’t just do you assignment :p
was pretending like detective pikachu recently days. Why? Have you found
criminal cases, husna ? Hushhh! It will become an interesting story to be told.
Was I wearing like Pikachu ? No, I'm particularly interested in people’s story. His
life has inspires me. I will show you my travel
is your part of your assignment?
Oh yes! Another, another..
I have a task to write biography someone who maybe inspires, memorable for you.
It’s up to you. All I want to do is ready to spy everything to be evidenced. Well,
why I said Detetive Pikachu before, because his job is finding the truth behind
someone’s life. So yeah, this is my job right now. This is challenging me.
Exploring the inner of someone until BOMB
the real fact come out. I also started thinking who are appropriate enough
because his/her story will be written by someone very special. Me!!
should I start? From the farthest or the nearest?
are the best part of his/her stories? Love story, mystery, successful?
have not decide on someone as my destination to take my part day investigating
his life, absolutely sure? I expect the new feeling from someone. However, for
me, just need that the story will affect to the readers soon. I will remark right
now people in my life. Well, let’s see tomorrow then.
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