Reflective Journal Part Eight

Well, hello again baby! Welcome to my blog. These days, I have thought positively to across the first threshold. It is decided the character that has been very special no matter what in my life. I was very intrigued to explore this character.  I went in nervous as hell. Detective Pikachu is still my name. Hahaha. I have adventure on searching the true story. Can you guess? Yap, once again, you still guess wrong. I will be analyzing every single story I heard. C’mon guess it!.
It’s fitting time, I researched story behind their original probably they whole life. There is no denying to make a biography book from a character you always together. La Famalia ! Our family. It has kinetic energy to make more clearly the intention I have. The effective is portraying the greatest man I have ever had. The only one my true love. He is my father. Someone who really fits you in.  You will surprise if you know his story behind his strong look. Yes, he has always been my father and he wills always, my inspiration, and my motivator. So the book the writer titled "The Man of the Man" will be a book that will be presented and presented to him as a birthday present so that he knows how special he is even though without this book he is very special.

For me, this is also one form of honesty that has been very difficult to express and express directly in front of him. The writer feels everyone must know that the greatest inspiration ever in her life was a father and will always be my father. I want make it with all of my effort so the true message can address to vital message. I’m not saying this book will be perfect but I do my best. Love to see you again, Bye!!
