There is a will, There is a way: Reflective Journal Part Three

Well, back again to reality as college's student. It comes as no surprise that the preparation to "hunt" a biography book is starting from the point of view my financial. Do you know that "boarder" students should be clever at managing money, shouldn't they? ðŸ˜” Yaps, the biography book is relatively expensive if you buy a new one while if you buy the old, the book is rarely founded. Well, to be quiet honest, in general, I would say that I'm actually thinking the easiest thing to get the book. Instead of being cheap, the book has to be a good book. I am so demanding. LOL ðŸ˜‚ So, the trick is I just borrow from library to get the book what I want.

With my library card as one of legal student in UINSU (State Islamic University of North Sumatera), I started seeking to a relevant book. If you have read my reflective journal before I haven't decided any book yet, have I? The time is going on and after walkin', takin aim, keepin' in touch with all of the books in library, the books still couldn't attract my attention. The criteria of my book are; First the book is thin. In all fairness, I just read the book whose the least pages. Second, no matter what genre the book is, it seems to me if  the book is up to date. The publisher published in range of 2010-2019. Third, the book is easy to understand. Surely, the more easier the book, the more faster you can review the book. What I don't like in our library is we have to find book MANUALLY. How can we as Indonesian people implement 4.0 digital era if the library in my college is still using manual way? Nothing great should be easy, right?

Let's get move on. The next journey is Digital Library at UNIMED. After taste the bitterness of manual era, I can fully taste the sweetness of the digital era. The only problem has risen. My card is "expired". Don't worry there is a will there is a way. Here my advice; use your friend's card from UNIMED and pretend that is your own card. It's time to take advantage from "friends", isn't it? The first thing is you are going to find locker to keep your bag save. Then, using your mask to hide and refrain your face from the scanning card. Sorry, I really let the cat out of the bag. Don't forget to ask your friend to squire you from this ILLEGAL ACTION.

I'll take you on tour. If you want to find the book what you intend to, just search from the computers that available on first, second, and third floor.  Trying and deleting in front of the computer. I typed about the biography of Soekarno. It was on second floor with the shelf number is 900. Predominantly, the books are about biography book. I found what I meant to be but back to my criteria, the book should thin.The book I found was so thick and heavy. Sorry, I must pull down from my list. It took ages to get the inspiring book according to my criteria. My friend assisted me faster to find the book. The early birds get the worm.

Having being tired of my confusion, my friends offered me to find the book on the internet; PDF book. Good idea but what you have started you have finished in the same way. Hahah. After "working" hard, God showed me the book that includes on my criteria. It is such like a gold treasure that has buried among all of uncertainty.

Effort won't betray you

The book is "The King of Pop: Michael Jackson". All of my the characteristics set to my criteria's book.

Well, the perfect book comes last. I'm done with this. I complete with all of my curiosity. To be sure, I want to know about his behind glamour and famous life. On the whole of my story, take the positive, throw the negative. Thank you for reading this. Spread all of positive.😇
