Reviewer Problems: Reflective Journal Part Four

Super Hard: Reviewer Problems

      Raise your hand if you ever have reviewed at least one book, anything book! If you never review a book, it can be a challenging activity because you have to chose the book beside you are accustomed to acquainting the subject of the biographer. This activity may be liked by some of us or hated with or without reason. Because this is the one of my obligation to finish a biography book review, I have to complete this swiftly. Let’s be honest, which team are you in, love or hate ? If you a bookworm, review book is the happiest thing in your life. On the contrary, where the fun things exist, the dark side always follow the path. Hmm, if you ask me, I love reading book but sometimes I also feel “lost” at the same time or even I don’t feel the essence of “happiness” anymore. Let me ask you a question, are you facing  struggles when you do reviewing isn’t fresh anymore? Well, let’s see if we’ve probably faced same struggles while trying to review books especially to biography book.
  1.      Getting Started
    One of main problems, though, is actually getting started. Thinking about nothing and blanking. Spending your day with unclear condition and hoping that your task will be magically finished soon. Hahah😂 That always comes  these days during do the task. I always repeatedly open my laptop till I find a proper coherent thought to actually start review with.
    2.    Full Time
    Reviewing book takes much time. Maybe some people just directly and smoothly write it down, but I need a lot of time to take the point from what I read. I spent reading a book which entitled King of Pop for 1 days. To fully understand the book, It demands a totality of desire.
    3.    Laziness Mood Swings
    I am a person who use “mood” as my reason to procrastinate what I have to do. So much room to panic. Mood changes easily anyway. For example I have been tired since I kept forcing to do the task then my brain says “Don’t push too hard, you need take a break, relax”. Instagraming is one way to solve this anxiety. Scrolling timeline of facebook, twitter, or media social, texting to friends, watching films are the sources of every negligent.  I kept procrastinating and never write anything. I have been procrastinating this for AGES. It is horrible struggles.

    4.    Language
    My biography book is in Indonesia language and the hardest thing is to rewrite the points in English language that may not truly transfer the meaning of words.
    5.    Composing words
    The whole having to find words to describe how you feel about a book. There are plenty of books I’ve liked, and just been like,  I liked this because I liked it…”, and really can’t pinpoint exactly why. I just want to say READ IT. NO MORE WORDS NEEDED but it can’t totally convince the readers, can it? You have to actually have thoughts and build sentences. For example:
    Professional reviewer : This book will poignantly the hearts of many
    Me      : This book is cool
    See! This will be the hardest part to string words that can attract the reader to read our review. Plus! Sometimes to start and to finish is not a piece of cake. In addition, if we are not good to produce words. Afraid of using words whether the sentences is clear or not. I wonder how much I should write.
    Ok, dude! I like getting my thoughts down. Review book helps me to remember as therapeutic mind. That’s all my opinion. Who with me? Comment below and share with me :D


  1. The grammar's "so good". In Indonesian, "so good" means "mantap jiwa" :D
    Or we can say "so good" with "AHSIAAAP" in indonesian which is "AHSIAAAP" is the slang of "mantap jiwa" :D.
    Literally "AHSIAAP" and "mantap jiwa" are slang of Atta Hallilintar and Jerome Polin :D. And "which is" & "literally" are slang of South Jakarta people. Not Bekasi people yaa XD.
    Oh my God! My English is so bad. I'm so sorry :((


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