Day 44- First day of No contact again

On Monday, we had argument and he hung up on me. Then, he said he wants to be alone. We had no really fighting. I will tell. He asked me why I did not text him when I wake up. I said "my baby does not reply and it is only delivered" and he said "because I am working, kid". Then, he said what if I did not text you, we never call anymore and I was mad he said that but I did not show I only respond "really? if you want like that my Love I cant force". He said "Okay I hang up now". Then, just that. He did not reply my text for the next day until now we haven't called. I keep begging to apologize for being a bad girlfriend and I will be behaving good and he said "you always say that". I did not anything bad. I did not yell, I did not block, I did not do anything that it is my fault. The only thing is I said "I cant force you to call me" and I think the answer he does not want. Yet, it is still my fault and he needs to punish me. I am begging what is wrong why my text just being read. I texted him again "what do you want? do you want some space? do you think how long i am sorry if this question is inappropriate and dumb" and he said "idk just dont feel like talking". Until now, it has been 4 days since we had that annoying, It is not heated arguments and yet he punishes me really hard with no contact. What am I supposed to do?

I am missing him so much right now but I know I can't do anything. I can't text because I would be crazy and will get blocked. I feel so tired to be a perfect girlfriend who has never "cause problem". I don't have attitude, I don't even follow his instagram or media social he has because I don't know maybe he is cheating on me like he did last time. It hurts me so much, I thought being name calling, yelling already enough but I guess there is more to break me. I am not that strong. Ya allah, send me a man who loves me, even when he is mad at me, even when he feels annoying. Ya Allah I want to have a husband who always care about my feeling, who never say "stupid emotion" when I cry, who always guide me when I do mistakes
